Projects > Czech Republic

Restoration of visitor infrastructure on the nature trail Tři Iseriny

Restoration of hiking trails in the Jizera Mountains for nature protection and public access.
Nadace Ivana Dejmala pro ochranu přírody
Natural Project
Czech Republic


The aim of the project was to repair and maintain hiking trails located in the Bukovec Nature Reserve and the Jizerka Peat Bog National Nature Reserve, which are part of the Tři Iseriny educational trail. This trail is situated in one of the most valuable areas of the Jizera Mountains, where nature conservation is a high priority and must be ensured.

At the same time, it is important to allow the public to continue exploring these natural area. Therefore, visitor infrastructure elements were restored to prevent environmental damage and ensure a balance between conservation and accessibility.


The VGP Foundation donation was specifically used for the restoration of the Tři Iseriny educational hiking trail, which passes through the Jizerka settlement, Bukovec, and the viewpoint over the Jizerka Peat Bog. The work involved replacing worn-out and inadequate elements, including terrain steps, railings, boardwalks, and informational signs. The restoration was carried out by the Jizersko-Ještěd Mountain Association, which secured approximately half of the budget from European funds. The trails are now safer for visitors while also guiding foot traffic to minimize the impact of high visitor numbers, prevent damage to these unique locations, and reduce water erosion. As these are highly valuable areas within the Jizera Mountains Protected Landscape Area, all work was conducted with great care, almost entirely by hand. The Jizersko-Ještěd Mountain Association will also ensure ongoing maintenance to preserve the project’s long-term sustainability.


As part of this project, 178 m² of boardwalks, 155 terrain steps, and 8 informational signs were restored.

The Tři Iseriny educational trail before restoration.

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