latest projects
We have supported
38 projects so far
and have a list of others approved. Moreover, we are constantly searching for new meaningful projects in need of financial support.
James by Junior Ballet Antwerp
Junior Ballet Antwerp invests in young talent & forms a bridge between the end of studies and the start of a professional ballet career.
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Dionysos Now!
The research, development, producing, performing and recording of the music of Adriaen Willaert –
Flemish Polyphony
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Historical duck decoy in Bornem
Castle Marnix de Sainte Aldegonde in Bornem (Belgium)
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Villages Go Green
Follow-up project to expand public awareness of the importance of nature conservation in Cyprus.
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The Katra river valley Biodiversity
The Lithuanian biodiversity spot for many rare birds, plants, and animals.
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Protection of bats in Transcarpathia region
Protecting bats in church towers and public building attics as an affirmation of biodiversity values among religious and local communities
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Saving wetlands Sedmihorsko
Restoration of valuable wetlands damaged in history by drainage, located in the Bohemian Paradise (Český ráj), a protected landscape area about 90 km from Prague.
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Ukrainian Center in Brno
The Ukrainian Center in Brno offers social, psychological, and educational services for people from Ukraine seeking refuge from war, mostly women with children.
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CESAMM: Centre for Social Action and Music Making
The centre is created as part of the Chair Jonet at the University and University College of Ghent to develop research as well as to accompany musicians and social workers who propose music practice as a possible way to navigate towards more attractive positions in society
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Reorganization of Retezat Biosphere Reserve
Reorganization and adjustment of Retezat Biosphere Reserve, in order to fulfil the MAB criteria on Biosphere Reserves
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About the Foundation
As established by VGP in 2019, our mission is to encourage nature conservation, have impact on local communities through social projects and conserve and protect Europe’s cultural heritage.