Nadace Ivana DejmalaNatural Project
Between the villages of Turnov, Pelešany and Karlovice in the Bohemian Paradise Protected Landscape Area there is a unique locality that has been damaged in the past by human activities through insensitive drainage. Despite these interventions, the area remained waterlogged and unusable for economic or construction activities. However, the scars in the form of drainage pipes and ditches have been preserved, and without the help of man, the natural state would not have returned.
This was reversed in 2022, when 14 pools were created and the site regained its natural character. The goal pf the Foundation of Ivan Dejmal has been to protect the natural water regime of the landscape and preserve the wetlands as a valuable ecosystem.

Sedmihorky wetlands © Nadace Ivana Dejmala pro ochranu přírody | Vojtěch Šťastný
In recent years, thanks to financial contributions from donors, our partner has helped to save the Sedmihorské wetlands. This valuable area has been restored to its natural function of retaining water in the landscape. The site also serves as a habitat for a number of rare plants and animals, including a unique bird nesting site - for example, the endangered common crane, which has now even nested here after years of use (as well as the lapwing and the curlew).
Thanks to the efforts of the Sedmihorské mokřady Land Association and the Society for the Jizera Mountains, it was possible to negotiate with the owners of over 30 plots of land to agree to implement the project or to buy the plots. Subsequently, project documentation was drawn up and a subsidy from European funds was obtained.

Common cranes © Nadace Ivana Dejmala pro ochranu přírody | Jiří Šťastný
Within the framework of the project, 14 pools have been built, covering an area of 5 956 m², which will ensure higher retention capacity of the landscape. This has proved increasingly necessary in recent years, not only during prolonged droughts but also during heavy rainfall. It was essential to ensure that the Sedmihorky wetlands are truly well restored throughout their entire extent, giving moisture to the surrounding landscape and thus benefiting everything and everyone around. To achieve this, up to 7 km of drainage pipes were dug or severed and 770 metres of drainage ditches were dammed. 680 m of clay barriers were also built in the ground to achieve better water retention on the site.
Thanks to the measures taken, the retention of the revitalised area was increased by about 26 500 m³, of which about 3 000 m³ in pools and other depressions and about 23 500 m³ in the soil. The pools themselves are shallow and appropriately shaped to blend into the local landscape. Careful management of the whole area and the necessary subsequent maintenance are currently going on. Small visitor infrastructure, including a bird observatory, will be added in the future. The whole site will become a varied and natural habitat for other species, but at the same time, the public will be able to learn why it is important to protect and treasure similar locations.
Photos © Nadace Ivana Dejmala pro ochranu přírody
Vojtěch Šťastný (p. 1,2,4), Jakub Trsek (p. 6,7,8, 10), Jiří Šťastný (p. 3,5), Michal Sluk (9)